Thursday, January 8, 2009

Relevant Witness

IS it relevant or relative?
To ponder
To wonder on those things of a higher nature..
A higher power..
Relevant to you
To God or
To me?
We are all connected
U see
To contemplate
To imaginate
All the things
I should do
All the things
I fall short of
Must not let go
Of the ole’ heave ho
The workin’ man’s motto
Is a good intro
To keep on the ole
Straight n’ narrow
Keep on walking
Keep on praying
To God keep on relatin’
Not always easy you see
A God-seeker to be
To be kneelin’
To be stillin’
On God to be yieldin’
Relative to you
Relevant to me
Is my walk with God
Cannot stop
The impact of it all
When I fall
When I stray
Your eyes can pierce
And remind me of how fierce
I must remain
From a Higher plain
I cannot
Separate from you
Or Him be
B/c we are all entwined
In His Love oh, so sublime
You touch me
I touch you
You see me
I see you
The legacy of a God-fearing soul
Must we make
Must we mold
So others can
Without shame
w/out remiss
Our story unfold
We are all relevant you see,
To God
To you
To me.
Written by: Michelle Cataldo 7/21/08


Irene Latham said...

I love that word "relevant"... good to see you! I thought you had removed the blog from the web. So glad that's not true!

Alicen said...

This was so good!