Friday, January 23, 2009

Time to Still

There's a time for change
A time for complacency
for not for the routine
would we not hunger for
the change
stirring of the embers
I stand still...
In my own skin
can I peer out
of the black ash
of what was
holding me down
mainitaining my frown
I never know what
change You will bring
where the fire will stir
All I know is You
You will enlighten the way
I stand still...
"He restoreth my soul"..
He my calm makes whole..
"He knows what I have need of before I ask"..
how can I bask
in the glow of His Hol'
I stand still...
Pondering in amazement
the Love that knows no limits
that cannot be held
My thoughts, my wishes, my wonders
were more than just little lip flutters
You took to Heart
the matter for which I laked tears
trying to stay awake to hide the pain
behind the fake..
Make no mistake..
I stand still..
I stand still..
Written: January 23, 2009
(Words in quotations were taken from the Bible)


Irene Latham said...

Michelle, I tagged you for a little blog game! Come on over and check it out!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading "Time to Still" Michelle.