Tuesday, July 29, 2008

#8 - Joy of Misery

Written on the blank white

In ink of feather-lite

You saunter slowly

in the flowing teal dress

with trailing scarf of silk jade

Reflecting in your eyes

The joy of misery

So mysterious & uninvolved

Secluded as you dance

barely on your toes in the sand,

on the boardwalk

Spreading wide those velvet arms

across the auburn skies

Reaching carelessly into the wind

To find a silent, bursting

Peace within

A smile broadens across your

uncaressed face

You hold the invisible hand

as the music plays

Swinging your hips behind

the skirted veil

Your eyes glossy from

the dreamy state of

illusionment of thought

You float in the air

from left foot to right

Out of the corner

of your mind's eye

You remember. . .

What, for an infinite minute, wasn't there.

Lightly, lays your heavy heel

to the grained golden ground

as you come back down

Dreams no longer forefront

in the cloud of swirling hips & skies

But back to earth

to live your life

The bare legs of a skirted dancer girl

become basic blue-jean covered

As you take your practical place

now on the hard, planted concrete.

No more time left to dance the

carefree weightless dance.

Back to earth

from one blank white page

to the next pixeled black

Where letters of neon green

are keyed in one by one,

You are back to

the ole' hum drum.

Written: July 21st, 2008

# 7


The sunshine of the afternoon

is not the same as

the sun of the morn'

A golden hue lays gently

across the mountain top

Glowing green and bright

as if to say,


Just after the early morning

mist dissipates

As the soft dew

ever so carefully

caresses the grass & flowers


The whole world

Shines bright

as if our sleepless God

raised His head from

His pillow,

Spread His arms out wide ,wider, widest,

and yawned with a big grin,

opened His twinkling eyes,

and exhaled.

A new Love for a new day.

Each shining breath better than those

that have come before

Brighter, bolder, closer....

There is a stillness

among the silent noise of

the glowing trees,the

scattered dew, and

the beaming buds...

A time of quiet inspiration

that desperately wants to be


to be found.


To arrive in the

golden glow of a new day.

Written: July 24th, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

The picture you see below is an art piece of mine. Let me know what ya think..... I own that lamp in the background and LOVE IT! Obviously I am a BIG fan of color (including the supposed absence of it, too) .

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Poem #6

Different Colors of Me

Colors of Life

How do you compare...

Moments of Purple Orchid Bliss

to those of Lemon-Sour Yellow Remiss?

Blue is sky-up

Blue is sorrow-down

So out of the green greed

in lukewarm confusion and hazy

orange doubt

I sometimes frown.

If I were a color

what would I be?

Sandstone or burnt sienna

to wear over me

Maskin' me into the background

Surrounded by Periwinkles of Bright Red.

Or should I bold be

in Platinum Copper Gold

you silver-lined for me?

Different my reflections

in the aqua pool, I see...

Eyes of Forrest, Sepia-Fleckled Green

Cheeks of rose pink

A nose of point peach

Mulberry-lined lips of moist magenta...


Hair... of indian red....

hi-lighted with mahogany.

In the glimmering waves of my reflection....

These are the many colors I see.

So how can I pick which

color is me?

Blackhearted to FLESH RED

Lightly on the raw sienna

steps I tred...

To, slowly, my chosen color find.

Thru my tie-dyed rainbow world,

I will navigate.

And find my plum peace

For it is purple I will pick!

Too many shades of gray

should cause my heart

to coal-black stay.

So, I must my purple place take,

In this ROY G. BIV world.

Written 6/29/2008

Poem #5

Odd Ball Out

So, I don't in bars belong
Not allowed to tag along

Forgotten, Overlooked

I may be

But safe I will stay
From the clutches of addiction
From trepidation
to calmation

I will remain
Always the same

Seems I am isolated
Somewhat abated

Never included
will remain silent, secluded

You fear the Word
the illusion of strict reign,
a prison of catechism.

The wisdom
would only God be

narrow-minded you are
to assume He,
no playful peace
can impact.

Well, I will remain the same.

Always here, my friendship
is to claim

But you take your bars,
your shallow hearts
and find comfort there

Don't let me be a burden
from which you despair

You assue
I would only bring gloom.

No fuss, all fun.


No silly downer
No God's Word reader... God greeter

Surely, she won't sip
the brew
or won't swing her hips.

Can't be tranquil
to be with me.

How WRONG you see!

Take the easy way
Find another match.

Always the same

I will remain.

Written 6/28/2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

Poem #4 - Noisemaker

Ok, for those who need it clarified,
there is not a man in my head
and I do not hear voices. lol
So hope that answers all of your
unasked questions regarding my mental state.


In my head
There is a "man"
who turmoitly speaks

Of what is
What will or could be
And that
Which has been

Too many
Flights of thought

Of what 'ought

What's next
Whos whens

Oh well

Constant circulation
of a thinkin' perpetuation

Never seem to
Live up
To the seminary vision

Measurin' up
Measurin' down

Rhythmic with emotion
with feel

Never seem to get off
Of this constant merry-go-reel

One day I will release
I will transcend

And come to the end
Of what I could have been and
Will surpass
To pastures of greener grass

I will be as I should have been
In the begin'

Streets of gold
Where peace is untold

Glitters of angelic sound
Pearls of white

Eyes of Fire

will relinquish
the Grace-power

My soul fully fed

My song written complete

The story

Ends in God's Glory.

Calm the noise

Washed out in turquoise

I will retreat.

Fly to God

Where my life's finally breathlessly complete.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Ok, folks, another poem (#3), sorry it's late...

See All Tell All

Tall order indeed
You and your hypocrite creed
You speak silence
But resonate hate sound
Please! Don’t! expound
On what you think is profound
You will only stump & confound
How trifle the brain
Of a big talker sounds
Well, excuse me! I say
To disagree from your way
Way of the simple
So you say you portray
How easy can it be
To hide & memorize all those
“lil’ white lies”
Won’t lead me astray
With your wisdom of hate
Of rumors complicate
You walk your walk
Talk your talk
A tall order I see
To be you, hmm….not for me
Must be worrisome and
Oh so sad
To keep those bruised up brains
Organized in your so called
mold of Exoskelo Plain Jane jello
False witness you claim
Only leads to late nights, conjured plans and heavy pain
Tight lips wide open
Is the red lipstick to blame?
Watch where you plant them
Plant that blame..
You’re so lame.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I wish I could post the photos bigger so you could see the detail and view them better...


Ok, all the photos posted were taken by me either recently or over the past 3 years since my beloved husband gave me the gift of "sight" thru my Nikon D50 3 Christmases ago. He is GREAT! He knew I always wanted to take up photography as a hobby and saved to buy me that wonderful gift which has allowed me to explore and "see" the world thru different view. I love to do it! and am getting better and better...