Tuesday, July 29, 2008

#8 - Joy of Misery

Written on the blank white

In ink of feather-lite

You saunter slowly

in the flowing teal dress

with trailing scarf of silk jade

Reflecting in your eyes

The joy of misery

So mysterious & uninvolved

Secluded as you dance

barely on your toes in the sand,

on the boardwalk

Spreading wide those velvet arms

across the auburn skies

Reaching carelessly into the wind

To find a silent, bursting

Peace within

A smile broadens across your

uncaressed face

You hold the invisible hand

as the music plays

Swinging your hips behind

the skirted veil

Your eyes glossy from

the dreamy state of

illusionment of thought

You float in the air

from left foot to right

Out of the corner

of your mind's eye

You remember. . .

What, for an infinite minute, wasn't there.

Lightly, lays your heavy heel

to the grained golden ground

as you come back down

Dreams no longer forefront

in the cloud of swirling hips & skies

But back to earth

to live your life

The bare legs of a skirted dancer girl

become basic blue-jean covered

As you take your practical place

now on the hard, planted concrete.

No more time left to dance the

carefree weightless dance.

Back to earth

from one blank white page

to the next pixeled black

Where letters of neon green

are keyed in one by one,

You are back to

the ole' hum drum.

Written: July 21st, 2008


Irene Latham said...

Hope to see you when I am visiting MJ and Co. this weekend!

Irene Latham said...

OF COURSE you are left handed! Jennifer actually just told me that when I was there this past weekend. Very cool. Got any poems on being a lefty?