Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Poem #6

Different Colors of Me

Colors of Life

How do you compare...

Moments of Purple Orchid Bliss

to those of Lemon-Sour Yellow Remiss?

Blue is sky-up

Blue is sorrow-down

So out of the green greed

in lukewarm confusion and hazy

orange doubt

I sometimes frown.

If I were a color

what would I be?

Sandstone or burnt sienna

to wear over me

Maskin' me into the background

Surrounded by Periwinkles of Bright Red.

Or should I bold be

in Platinum Copper Gold

you silver-lined for me?

Different my reflections

in the aqua pool, I see...

Eyes of Forrest, Sepia-Fleckled Green

Cheeks of rose pink

A nose of point peach

Mulberry-lined lips of moist magenta...


Hair... of indian red....

hi-lighted with mahogany.

In the glimmering waves of my reflection....

These are the many colors I see.

So how can I pick which

color is me?

Blackhearted to FLESH RED

Lightly on the raw sienna

steps I tred...

To, slowly, my chosen color find.

Thru my tie-dyed rainbow world,

I will navigate.

And find my plum peace

For it is purple I will pick!

Too many shades of gray

should cause my heart

to coal-black stay.

So, I must my purple place take,

In this ROY G. BIV world.

Written 6/29/2008

1 comment:

Irene Latham said...

I like you "tie-dyed rainbow world." I left something for you at my site... come see!